Prime Box Small – George Iglesias & Twister Magic:
Udsolgt første dag på den store tryllekongres i Blackpool i februar: Prime Box
George Iglesias præsenterer os for sin seneste opfindelse, den utrolige PRIME BOX! Et magisk apparat forklædt som en almindelig forsendelsesboks, der giver dig mulighed for ikke kun at udføre fantastiske effekter, men solide og kraftfulde rutiner! Du viser en forsendelseskasse helt tom, lukker den, laver en magisk bevægelser med hænderne over kassen – og på magisk vis tager du derefter forskellige produkter op fra kassen! Du vælger hvilke produkter. Og det bedste af det hele: Kassen kan derefter undersøgees af tilskuerne!
Du modtager kasse pakket sammen. Og du kan tilpasse den, da du modtager adskillige klistermærker for at få det til at se ud, som du vil, AMAZON PRIMEBOX, DHL, FEDEX, USPS eller dit eget design!
Denne æske er specielt designet til at skjule genstande og for at bedrage det menneskelige øje og skabe den perfekte optisk illusion af, at kassen er tom.
Perfekt til flere slags trylleri, fra salon- og scenemagi til børneshows, tv-præsentationer, store illusionsshow og videoer på sociale medier. Fremstillet af lækkert og tykt karton, er det meget nemt at samle og skille ad på få minutter.
Great effects are possible, you can even create your own routines, here are just a few great tricks you can perform:
- Appearing Multiple Items
Imagine showing a shipping box branded as you choose (DHL, USPS, AMAZON, FEDEX or your favorite carrier) you open it up and you show that is completely empty inside. Now you do your magic and when open again a lot of things appear from inside, giving the box to the spectators at the end for close examination.
- Prime Delivery
Show an Amazon Prime box, open it up to show there is only bubble wrap and Kraft paper inside. Show now the box totally empty inside, close it again and now ask an spectator to select one product from the Amazon big universe. You concentrate, make your magic and materialize that product from the box that was empty a minute ago, but even better the box can be fully examined!
- Burn Shoe Routine – Appearing the missing shoe:
If you perform the Burning Show routine in your shows, this will be the perfect way to reappear the shoe for the kid.
- Wrongly Delivered
Show a FEDEX box. Open it up to show you have received the wrong order from your favorite shop, take these products out of the box and place them aside, to show the box is empty inside. Wave your hands on top of the box and magically appear from it, the right products ordered. At the end give the box to the audience for full examination.
Confabulation – Prediction
You show a courier box empty, then close-it and place aside but leaving it still in full view. You ask someone to select a famous person (E.g. Tom Cruise), a retail store (E.g. Macys) and a product from that store (E.g. Fragance). Now after the spectator have select this three things, you call their attention to the box again, when the label is read, this is a package sent by Tom Cruise to you, now the box is open again to discover inside a Macys receipt in an envelope and for the big finale, the fragrance selected also appear from inside of the box as a gift, from Tom Cruise to you.)
Additionally, to all the benefits of Prime Box, thanks to our friends of MAGIC PRO IDEAS, with the purchase of your PRIME BOX you will be receive a $ 30.00 USD discount coupon to be able to buy and download the amazing magic app ANYWEB (Priced at $ 59.99 USD, you will only have to pay $ 29.90)
This app is a perfect complement for PRIME BOX, Anyweb is an incredible app that allows you to force basically anything you want from any website such as Google, Netflix, Instagram, Facebook, Wikipedia, Ebay, Amazon or any other web you want.
- 1 PRIME BOX unit
- 1 special gimmick
- 1 set of stickers to customize your box (Amazon, DHL, FEDEX, USPS and Fragile)
- 1 instructional online video.
Special bonus:
- 1 discount coupon valid for $ 30.00 USD if you wish, to purchase the magic app ANYWEB from MAGIC PRO IDEAS.
- Box assembled
- Width: 20cm (8 inches)
- Length: 17.5cm (7 inches)
- Height: 12cm (4.7 inches)